Halloween is celebrated in Ireland since ancient times. There was celebrated under the name of "Samnhain Night" (November night). The medieval Irish festival of Samnahain marked the end of the harvest, heralding shorter days and the "darker half" of the year. It is linked to the dead revisiting the moetal world, large communal bomfires and associated lore.
In halloween, children and adults dress up as creatures of the night (zombies, witches, ghosts, globings ...). Houses are frequently adorned with orange pumpking, or traditional turnip intro scary faces; lights or candeles are sometimes placed inside the carving, resulting in an eerie effect. The traditional Halloween cake in Ireland is the barmbrack which is a fruit bread.
Games are often played, such as bobbing for apples in which apples , peanuts, and other nuts and fruit and some small coins are placed in a basin of water. The apples and nuts float, but the coins, which sink, are harder to catch.
By: Oier Santamaria Txapartegi 6.D
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